It is often said that our world resides in a small seed. In the same way a small seed has a whole tree inside it. These trees and plants are our first mothers. Their leaves, flowers, roots, fruits and seeds are a part of our daily diet and provide us nutrition. There are a thousand species of plants and trees in this world out of which most of them are serving the mankind. They have many interesting facts. Some of them are listed below- Raffelesia is the biggest flower in the world. It has a diameter of 3 feet. It is found in Sumatra. 1, 70, 000 pencils can be made from an average tree. A tree produces 260 pounds of oxygen each year which is sufficient for 4 people for one whole year. Squirrels help in the reproduction of trees. They hide their seeds in different parts of the soil and forget. These seeds germinate due to rain. The Breech tree can produce 10 lakh seeds each year. The wood of the Balsa tree is very light but very hard at the same time. It is used in making the wings of the planes.