Daylight Illumination-Color-Contrast Tables for Full-form Objects is the result of a major computational project concerning the illumination, color, and contrast conditions in naturally illuminated objects. The project from which this two-chapter book is derived is originally conceived in support of the various remote sensing and image processing activities of the Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen, West Germany DFVLR, in particular, those depending on the quantitative photometric and colorimetric evaluation of photographs and other environmental records. This book contains a comprehensive set of tables, from which often-needed reference and engineering data can be taken on the inherent illumination, color, and contrast in a generalized full-form model object illuminated by the sun, the sky, and light reflected from the ground, and viewed by a nearby observer. The computations leading to the tables pertaining to the luminance and color distributions in the sky were carried out at the Meteorologisches Institut der Universität München.