Cancer Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy And Biotherapy

Cancer Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy And Biotherapy
Categories: Art Supplies, Color
357.95 CAD
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Thoroughly revised and reformatted, the sixth edition ofCancer Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and Biotherapyreflects recent significant changes in cancer treatment. This newly streamlined edition contains full-color illustrations, more tables for quick reference, and new immunotherapy and molecular targeted therapy content that brings you fully up to date with the state of the art in all current cancer therapies.

  • Provides thorough, comprehensive coverage of the scientific and clinical aspects of immunotherapy, biotherapy, and chemotherapy.
  • Includes significantly expanded information on immunotherapy and molecular targeted therapy, as well as the latest information on all drugs and biological agents—their mechanisms of action, interactions with other agents, toxicities, side effects, and mechanisms of resistance.
  • Features a new, full-color format, a newly streamlined presentation. and more tables and figures throughout for quick access to high-yield information.
  • Explains the rationale for use of drugs in specific schedules and combinations and offers guidelines for dose adjustment in specific situations.
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