Only a NEW VEGETABLE & HERB EXPERT could improve on the Vegetable & Herb Expert - Britain’s best-selling guide to grow-your-own. Now updated and enlarged with more information, this new edition includes: Standard Vegetables - from artichokes to turnips with details of up-to-date varieties; Novelty Varieties - a new feature: white beetroots, black tomatoes, round cucumbers, purple potatoes.; Salad Leaves - grow-your-own baby leaves from cut-and-come-again vegetables; Non-standard Vegetables - plants not available at the supermarket: cardoons, celtuce, tomatillos, brukale…; Grafted Vegetables - an exciting advance offering built-in root disease resistance; Oriental Vegetables - how to grow exotic greens and roots you’ve never seen before; Baby Vegetables - naturally dwark varieties such as pencil-thin leeks and finger-long corn; Herbs - from basil to thyme.