In the land of frogs and toads, there lives a very clever toad named Thomas Find. As a young toad in school, he makes friends with the king’s daughter, Princess Tina, who happens to be a frog. They not only become friends but also eventually grow up and fall in love. To impress Tina’s father, Thomas becomes manager of the king’s food and living goods. Soon, the time comes for Tina to find a husband. Despite Thomas being hard-working and well respected, the king does not approve of his beautiful frog daughter marrying a toad. Thomas and Tina are heartbroken as the king chooses two frog suitors for the princess-but her heart still belongs to Thomas, and Thomas refuses to give up his one true love. The brilliant toad devises a plan to win Tina’s hand in marriage. He comes across an old marriage law and thinks he may have a chance at winning the king’s favor-but it will take careful planning and a bit of imagination. Thomas presents his idea to his royal highness, and so the king agrees to a race of suitors, the prize being Tina’s heart!