Stars Coming Down: Pink Is the Color of Love in Heaven

Stars Coming Down: Pink Is the Color of Love in Heaven
Categories: Art Supplies, Color
16.19 CAD 18.99 CAD
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Stars Coming Down are channeled teachings from the Pleiadians about the approaching evolutionary leap. The people from the Star System want humanity to prepare for their arrival on planet earth in correlation with the prophecies of past times. This is a wake-up call for the nearest time to make people on earth aware that the ruling Power Elite is not willing to inform their citizens about the coming changes and decisions that everybody has to make before the transit to the higher dimension. Eloise unveils dramatic evidence and connections with the secret history of the ancient bloodline. The old heroes of past have chosen to incarnate and assist with the evolution to show their love for the people on earth. They all wish a new start and integration of the knowledge they have gathered during their past lives, in alignment with the soul on the path to a new future, allowing Love, Peace and Unity to conquer the world.