Un gato negro y travieso se esconde en cada una de las páginas de este libro. Es un felino que ama a los pájaros y, especialmente, sus plumas. Este sorprendente álbum de gran formato, creado por una joven y talentosa ilustradora francesa, nos presenta una amplia variedad de aves y pone especial atención a sus respectivas plumas. Éstas se representan con sus colores y características exactas. El pequeño lector encontrará aquí a búhos, golondrinas, pavos reales, mirlos, palomas, petirrojos y muchos otros seres alados, cada uno luciendo su característico plumaje.
A mischievous black cat is hiding on each of the pages of this book. He’s a cat who loves birds, and especially their feathers. This delightful large-format book introduces readers to a wide variety of birds—from owls and turkeys to doves and blackbirds—with special emphasis on their feathers, which are shown with their true colors and characteristics.
A mischievous black cat is hiding on each of the pages of this book. He’s a cat who loves birds, and especially their feathers. This delightful large-format book introduces readers to a wide variety of birds—from owls and turkeys to doves and blackbirds—with special emphasis on their feathers, which are shown with their true colors and characteristics.