Medcomic: Companion Coloring Book

Medcomic: Companion Coloring Book
Categories: Art Supplies, Color
23.64 CAD 24.49 CAD
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Reinforce your understanding by coloring all your favorite illustrations from Medcomic: The Most Entertaining Way to Study Medicine. This book features jumbo-sized versions of Jorge Muniz’s world-famous educational cartoons, reformatted so you can add color!

Medcomic channels the creativity of cartoons into the field of medicine to make learning medical concepts entertaining and fun. Studying medicine can be tedious and it’s often difficult to remember the vast amounts of information required to pass tests and recertification exams. One of the most frustrating feelings in the world is staring at a question during an exam, and not quite being able to recall the answer.  “I just studied this!” you say to yourself, but the details of the memory just aren’t clear enough.

Medcomic solves this migraine problem by combining high quality art and humor to make memorizing medical concepts easy and fun. You’ll be so entertained it’ll feel like you’re procrastinating, but you’ll actually be gaining and retaining medical knowledge! Medcomic has been adopted by university professors all around the world in an effort to engage students and eliminate classroom cases of SIHB (Sleep Induced Head Bobbing).