Gorgeous Women Gorgeous Gowns Grayscale Adult Coloring Book has been revised with clearer, sharper pictures, and is now printed on 70-pound high-quality paper. The women in this book are retro women from the 1950’s and 1960’s. Color over all of the varying shades of gray to make the gorgeous women come to life. Use different colors to highlight, shade, and shadow the gorgeous women. There are many avenues of coloring tools to use. Colored pencils, gel pens, markers, and glitter pens are commonly used to color grayscale books. This grayscale coloring book includes- 1. 30 high-quality grayscale coloring pages. 2. 8.5" x 11" pages. 3. Each page is single-sided. 4. Each page has a gorgeous woman for you to color. Feel free to review the coloring book and let me know how you enjoyed your coloring. If you have a picture of someone special or a wonderful pet you would like made into grayscale coloring pages please contact Renee. She’ll be happy to make a custom grayscale coloring page or PDF coloring book for you. Contact Renee at joyfulcoloringbooks@gmail.com More coloring books to come Enjoy your coloring journey See the flip-through of the coloring pages here - https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCroL0Govs-YVWAJlOhm4_XA/videos