A Noir, E Blanc, I Rouge, U Vert, O Bleu: Farben (Colors)

A Noir, E Blanc, I Rouge, U Vert, O Bleu: Farben (Colors)
Categories: Art Supplies, Color
60 CAD
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We associate color with emotion. Color facilitates communication, influences our perception and can be used symbolically. But is that all? The role of color in artistic work is indeed diverse. Yves Klein sought to remove materiality from his work by using International Klein Blue, which he created. In the work of the Leipzig painter Hartwig Ebersbach, color is the source of expressive movement and extreme energy. This volume documents the transformative power of color through a range of international contemporary art movements: from the structural investigations of Minimal art and Color-Field painting, to the symbolic analyses of Arte Povera and Conceptual art, and through the rise of color photography and experimental film. Through selected works and texts, this publication presents artists who use color as a conceptual component of their practice–including William Eggleston, Yves Klein, John McCracken, William Pope.L, Bridget Riley, Thomas Ruff, Keith Sonnier and others.